Inside The Sessions

ConsultingCreative DirectionInformation Architecture

Descriptions of the insides of our strategy sessions - bringing creativity to consulting.

Protecting The Innocents
OK, so this is s glimpse
 We are always asked what it is like inside the sessions we have with our clients but of course it is always confidential so we are very sensitive to that. We have done what we can to obliterate the detailed information so that we are not giving anything away. (Creatively of course) just to show what it looks like. (Well sort of)
Developing a module in real-time
The team in deep contemplation
Discussion in a break in play
The next session is about to begin
Close ups
A view from the back during a break...
There is still a big empty wall with a long way to go...
Developing a module in real-time
Thinking is going on
Developing a module in real-time
Getting up close...
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